Prizm Content Connect for SharePoint
Calling the API Directly
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Administration Guide > Viewer Access > Calling the API Directly

Glossary Item Box

You can link users directly to the Prizm Content Connect Viewer by linking to the /_layouts/Accusoft/Prizm/ViewDocument.aspx page and setting a documentIdentifier query string field to the path of a SharePoint document as shown in the HTML example below:

HTML Example Copy Code
<a href="/_layouts/Accusoft/Prizm/ViewDocument.aspx?documentIdentifier=http://my-site/My%20Documents/test.docx">here</a>
will open the document with the Prizm Content Connect Viewer.

For a more detailed example, see the Manual Integration Example. The user is linked directly to the Viewer, so the specified document will open in the Prizm Content Connect Viewer whether or not DRM is enabled (if the user has permissions in SharePoint to view the document; if not, the user will see an Access Denied page).

If DRM is enabled, you can restrict viewer functionality such as printing, copying, and saving, if you want. See the Digital Rights Management page for more information on DRM, and see the Configuring DRM page for information on how to configure DRM.

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